History of bytebeat
Original blog posts and videos from Viznut:
Blog posts #1
Blog posts #2
YouTube video #1
YouTube video #2
YouTube video #3
This website is a live editing bytebeats player. It has a collection of bytebeat music I found on the internet, and also the music I created.
You can choose between bytebeat, signed bytebeat and floatbeat formats. Bytebeat expects output is an unsigned 8bit value (0 to 255). Signed bytebeat assumes output is a signed 8bit value (-127 to 128). Floatbeat assumes output is -1.0 to 1.0.
This website is the fork of Bytebeat composer by T-8492..
Forked by GFLJS2100 aka GFLJS2100-user.
This website is the fork of Bytebeat composer by Chasyxx..
Forked by emelchenko aka T aka T-8492.
This website is the fork of Bytebeat composer by StephanShi..
Forked by Chase T aka Chasyxx.
ShephShi's website is the fork of 8-bit Generative Composer by @paul_hayes.
Forked by SthephanShi aka Viraya.
Custom functions include:
- bitC: (X,Y,Z) => X&Y?Z:0
- br: (T,SIZE) => Bit reverses SIZE bits of T, discards the other bits
- sinf, cosf, tanf: (X) => sin, cos, tan but inputting t will output the same freqency as t by itself.
- regG: (T,regEx) => takes a string of T's bits, and tests against regEx for a match. Outputs a boolean.